C&H Photography
I was raised in the small southeast Texas community of Anahuac. I have always cherished growing up in a small town because it afforded me the opportunity to develop a sense of self - and community - few get to experience. I am blessed with a great family, enduring friendships, and the support of a loving wife. It has been posited that growing up in a small town limits people to small dreams, I argue just the opposite. I believe that the quintessential small town experience allows one to dare - and test the limits of an individuals' capacity to dream.
My parents immigrated to the United States years ago. Knowing what my parents gave up long ago just for the chance to give their children a beter and brighter future makes me feel truly blessed. My parents raised me to believe that nothing is impossible, and if you truly want something, and work hard enough for it than anything can be yours. Staying true to that personal philosophy, I wake up each morning dedicated to the perfection of my chosen craft, photography.